Sunday, March 20, 2005

The New Pornlaunderers

Prince Rupert, British Columbia

Looks like Heavy Kevvie has gotten the green light from the Bridge to use a little Slushie to buy Prince Rupert's Ridley Coal Terminal from the Feds:
"The British Columbia government is negotiating with Ottawa to buy Ridley Terminals Inc., a coal shipping terminal in Prince Rupert, B.C. Provincial Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon yesterday said the province approached Ottawa after learning that the federal government was talking to prospective buyers about the facility, which opened in 1984. B.C. wanted to ensure open access to the facility, something that might have been threatened had the terminal been sold to a private company, Mr. Falcon said...

So, apparently, the Falcon wants to ensure open access.

For Whom?

The Snowman?

Balderdash, we say.

Here's our prediction: The SS Gordo makes a small investment now ($10 million tops)....takes it out for a short term, pre-election savior spin....then a year from now, two tops, the terminal is quietly sold to the bidder of the Government's choosing for a sweetheart deal and an even sweeter closed-shop contract.

We're not sure what their double secret probation name for this scam is but we call it "Privatization Laundering".

It's new, it's sexy, and it will have the Multinats drooling all over themselves in anticipation.

And like all perversions it will gain strength with repetition.

Just imagine the circle of frenzied Corporate Onaism that will ensue when it comes time to sell off, oh say, Manning Park?


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