Saturday, March 19, 2005

Where Have all the Numbers Gone?


Regular contributor eteba from Quebec is quite rightly despondent:

"A little over 2 years ago we were 135,000,last year 25,000 and today 8,000.
It was quite dissappointing because we had a beautiful, sunny and warm day."

It was a similar situation here as well, for total numbers at least.

But I did notice a subtle shift in the crowd because mixed in with the usual suspects there seemed to be a higher percentage of families at Sunset Beach in Vancouver's West End today.

And the unembedded Dahr Jamail, whose speech was short and to the point, was magnificent.

Something I didn't know is that his has been a DIY operation from the beginning. Essentially, Jamail is a guy from Anchorage Alaska who got so upset with the (non)reporting of the Naked Aggression/Occupation that he decided to go to Iraq himself.

He also pointed out that the Main Stream Media in North America has done its job to keep it all off the front pages, and then described the current situation in Fallujah in detail. What is abundantly clear is that the city is a concentration camp, complete with retinal scans for all residents.

And what percentage of North Americans knows this, or that it is being done in their name?

Jamail also pointed out that the Bush Empire has demonstrated that it does not care one iota about 'protest as usual' . Thus, he believes that we must undertake a concerted, 3-pronged peaceful effort to topple the Empire by:

1) Unmasking the entire MSMedia (ie. not just Miller and Gannon) as shills
2) Actively supporting military resisters in the US and other 'coalition' countries
3) Making corporations that support and/or profit from the occupation pay.

Most importantly, he said, these are things that we, the commoners, can make happen on a DIY level.

I agree with him.


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