Monday, April 25, 2005

A Modest Plea......


......For Increased Border Security

How's this for codswallop:

"If America continues to backslide, it "could very easily be like Canada is today, where you can't even preach [about homosexuality from] the first chapter of Romans," Dobson said. "I couldn't even say the things I'm saying today on my radio stations in Canada. I will not be able to air this. ... [What's occurring in Canada is] coming here, and a whole lot more, if we don't get in and fight it."

Now, from up here in the relative safety of Canuckistan it is easy to just sit back and laugh as people like Jon Stewart and Al Franken point out that Dr. James Dobson, he of 'Sponge Bob Square Pants is Gay' fame, is the latest kookie incarnation of Elmer Gantry.

But if you did that you would be wrong.


Because as well as being the head of 'Focus on the Family' the good (so-called) Doctor Dobson is also a Wizard with a Wad.

Of cash that is.

And he and his cronies are using that cash and their toxic concentrate of target-market media hegemony to widely disseminate their thinly veiled philosphy of hate, intolerance and outright bigotry, not to mention destroy the independent judiciary of the United States.

They are also working to actively export their philospophy to Canada.

So, can only wonder if this is the kind of family Dobson would like we, the Godless hordes, to start to focussing on.

Still laughing?


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