Friday, May 20, 2005

Cluffie Must Go - Part XVIII


After turning it off completely for a few days when Rick Cluff began quaffing down the 'Newsweek Killed People' kool-aid earlier in the week I took a chance on the local CBC radio show this morning and was once again flummoxed by the sportsguy whose cranium, for all intents and purposes, appears to be an empty suitcase.

But it took a few minutes for the flummoxing to occur.

Because when I first flipped the dial over to 690am there was a Battle Royale going on between Sven Robinson and Pat Carney worth listening to:

Robinson extolling the virtues of the budget and all the good things that Jack Layton levered into it.

Carney saying it was a disgrace.

Robinson saying it was a disgrace that Conservatives voted against the budget.

Carney saying that Conservatives did not vote against the budget.

Robinson laying out the votes to prove that they did.

Carney saying that they supported the 'original' budget.

Robinson saying that was not the budget that was voted on yesterday.....

And then, just as they were getting down to brass tacks about corporate tax cuts and what the the CRAParty really stands for vs the NDP, a clearly bamboozled Cluffie brought the proceedings to a screeching halt by insisting that the following burning question be answered in full:

"But what do you say to Canadians who are disgusted by the shenanigans that went on this week in the House of Commons, Ted?"

This led the Liberal shill, who had been sitting quietly in the corner, to go blah, blah, blah, blah, blah on the old talking point known as 'the democratic deficit' for 5 minutes until the segment was over.

Well, Cluffie, I'll tell you what this Canuckistani thinks......

There is no disgrace.

There was horsetrading, deals were made and votes were ultimately cast.

But if people hadn't given the NDP the seats in the last election the Ultimate Deal never would have been made.

And if the CRAParty hadn't hooked their wagon to the opportunist Stronach before the last election in an effort to make inroads into southern Ontario the sashaying across the floor never would have happened.

And we the voters who, unlike you Cluffie, actually pay attention will remember all of this next time and vote accordingly.

It's called parliamentary democracy - get over it.

A true measure of the man may be the fact that the #1 google bomb to hit this site, pretty much daily, is 'Rick Cluff Weight Loss'.
And #2? That goes, straight-up, to BCLiberal/CRAParty flack hack 'Erin Airton'.
We did learn one useful bit of info listening to CBC this morning. Cecelia Walters informed us that Elections BC says there are approximately 100,000 absentee ballots still to be counted from the provincial election. So, despite our retraction, it looks like we were half right a couple of days ago.


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