Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Yellowcake Road, Part II


Big day tomorrow for those poor little journos from Time and the NYT.

First, the Time guy. Looks like Matt Cooper may still get the book thrown at him because special prosecutor Fitzgerald says that his bosses' last minute, behind-the-back, pre-emptive Email offerings are not enough. Specifically, Fitzgerald wants testimony.

Second, the NYT gal. Who knows what Mr. Fitzgerald really has in store for shrinking violet Judith Miller, the woman who once vehemently defended her role in helping start the war by force-feeding the grey lady (ie. her employer, not Anne Coulter sans dye-job, although no one can uncategorically rule out the latter's involvement) the lies of Ahmed Chalabi:

“You know what,” she (Miller) offered angrily. “I was proved fucking right. That’s what happened. People who disagreed with me were saying, ‘There she goes again.’ But I was proved fucking right.”

But here's an interesting question that has recently been asked around the Bloggodome regarding the 'Name Plame Game' - Is it possible that Fitzgerald is after Miller not for her own sources (ie. Miller never published a story, at least not initially, on the Plame affair) but instead because he considers she, herself, to be one?

Stay tuned.

And remember, ignore the chief Rovian behind the curtain for the moment because now is the time to.......

Follow The Yellowcake Road.


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