Friday, November 25, 2005

Extreme Pruning Of The Shrubbery.....


At this rate there may be no foilage to hang the Christmas* ornaments on.

ROCHESTER, N.Y., Nov. 17 /PRNewswire/ -- The latest Harris Poll finds that
President Bush's positive job rating has continued to fall, touching another
new low for his presidency at 34 percent. This compares with his positive
ratings of fully 88 percent after 9/11, 65 percent in November 2002, 50
percent at the end of 2003, 50 percent in November 2004, 45 percent in June of
this year, and 40 percent in August.

President Bush's positive ratings, now, compare unfavorably with those of
three of the last four two-term presidents at a comparable time in their fifth
year in office. In November (or the nearest month to it when the Harris Poll
measured it) of their fifth year, their positive ratings, Presidents Johnson
(67%), Reagan (66%) and Clinton (58%) all enjoyed the support of substantial
majorities. President Nixon however (29%) was significantly less popular than
President Bush is now.

Our first question is: How significant is the difference between 34% and 29% anyway?

Our second question is: Will we have 'the Shrubbery to kick around anymore' when he's gone?

*In deference to Green Day, we would have said 'Holiday', but we didn't want to get black-jacked by Canada's good friend Mr. O'Reilly.
Of course, there are certain things that have given Mr. Bush short term bumps, and they are all scary.


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