Thursday, February 23, 2006

Good Lawyers Are Expensive....


Freakonomics is one thing, but how about Freaks-O-Fundraising.

Because this is unBeFreakin'Lievable:

"The Libby Legal Defense Trust was formed to help defray the legal defense costs for Lewis "Scooter" Libby and his family against the recent legal charges brought against him.

Scooter has pled “not guilty” to each and every count in the recent indictment. In pleading not guilty, Scooter has declared his innocence and his intention to fight the charges in the indictment. But good lawyers are very expensive. And Scooter and his family already have made many sacrifices during Scooter’s ten years of dedicated public service. Now they need our help to win this fight.

We are confident that at the end of this process, Scooter Libby will be fully exonerated. Our Constitution guarantees Scooter a presumption of innocence. We invite you to join Scooter’s many friends and colleagues in supporting the defense of this good man in clearing his good name.

All money collected will be deposited with the Trustee of the Legal Defense Trust and will be disbursed, over time, to the legal team representing Scooter for professional services as the services are performed. "

They're raising money?

For high-powered lawyers????

It sure will be interesting to see who has the higher hit rate, Mr. Libby's friends in high places or Robert Mugabe's third cousin's wife's brother's gardener's uncle's grandaughter from Harare....

Original Link Source: SpinD from the AllSpinZone.
Update: So far I. Lewis appears to be winning the battle of the Fund-O-Freaks....The WaPo has him at a cool $2 million and rising.


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