Monday, February 27, 2006

Is There A Codswallop In The House?


A couple of days ago we took BC's current Child and Family Minister, Stan Hagen, to task for smearing Nicholas Simons about his role in the Sherry Charlie review when the rookie NDP MLA is under a gag order from Hagen's own Ministry:

How twisted is that, on a whole lot of levels?

Well, twisted enough that Mr. Hagen has come under enough fire that he hid in the legislature today and wouldn't come out to answer questions from Sean Holman about the affair.

But, apparently, Ministerial feelings have been hurt because here's what happened when Holman finally caught up with Mr. Hagen:

During that brief encounter, he told us his staff would be seeking a legal opinion as to whether Mr. Simons could be released from his agreement. We also asked Minister Hagen whether he thought it was fair for him to attack Mr. Simons when the New Democrat MLA was legally prevented from defending himself. After a short, hollow laugh, he replied "I think it's funny that you would ask that question given what people have been saying about me" before re-entering the house.

Once again, we call - Codswallop!


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