Wednesday, June 21, 2006

It Couldn't Happen To A Nicer Guy


Some things events require no comment whatsoever.

(U.S.) Federal prosecutors accused former Hollinger International Inc. Chairman and Chief Executive Conrad Black on Monday (June 19) of providing financial information replete with "inconsistencies and half-truths" to help secure approval for his $20 million bond.

In a motion that revealed some of the former media magnate's financial dealings, Assistant U.S. Attys. Eric Sussman and Jeffrey Cramer asked the court to modify or revoke Black's bond.

In a separate motion, prosecutors sought a court order directing the sale of Black's $32 million Palm Beach estate because he has defaulted on his $10 million mortgage.

The default jeopardizes the estate's availability to be used for bond should Black fail to appear for trial next year, prosecutors told U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve.

OK, OK, OK. I can't resist.

Translation...... Patrick Fitzgerald (yes, that Patrick Fitzgerald) is trying to get Conrad the Marauder's bail revoked because the mansion he put up for collateral is as empty as many of the shell companies he allegedly looted.

Man, I sure hope the Canadian Opera Company cashed that big cheque before they gave His Lordship in the Crosshairs his tax receipt.


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