Sunday, July 23, 2006

Karl Rove The Science Guy


Back in the days when I had too much time on my hands I used to follow sluggers, who like Crash Davis in Bull Durham, spent their entire careers hitting a ton of homers in the minors but for whatever reason never got a real shot in the big leagues.

One of my favorites was a guy named Bernardo B. who could hit like heckfire but couldn't field for crap.

There was also a rumour floating around amongst some of the more uncouth Bleacherites at Nat Bailey stadium that Bernardo's head was actually an empty suitcase.

Not that I mean to infer that the man sitting on the tarmac in front of a jumbo jet tire in the image above has anything less than, oh say, 400,000 embryos in his suitcase, and a whole bunch of really important stuff in his head, but.......


Bush Administration Chief of Staff Josh Bolten was on 'Press the Meat' today.

And a funny thing happened on the way to the slaughterhouse, because host Tim Russert actually decided to bare his teeth. In a discussion on 'murder', Russert asked Mr. Bolten if he agreed, or could find one credible scientist that backed up Karl Rove's contention that adult stem cells have shown far more promise than embryonic stem cells.

After mightily obfuscating for a while and saying he himself couldn't comment because he wasn't a scientist Mr. Bolten finally went on the offensive and blurted out:

"Karl knows a lot of stuff."

To which, particularly as it pertains to the concept of totipotency, we would ask:

"About what?"

Totipotent destruction of the world as we know it excepted, of course.



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