Saturday, July 22, 2006

Working On A Webster


Forget about the CBC, and CTV, and BCTV, and Global, and the Chorus of Weasels, and/or the network formerly known as Chum and/or CITY and/or whatever the heck it was and no longer will be ever again (good riddance?).

And most of all forget about the so-called heavyweights like Palmer, Smyth, Baldrey and, yes, even Holman.

Because it is B.C. Mary, and only Mary, our very favorite local Citizen Journalist, who has tracked down Mr. David Basi's next court appearance:

File No. 134750-1-D will come up again "for election" on 6 September 2006 at 9:30 AM.

"For election" means that the defendants decide whether to proceed to trial by judge and jury or by judge alone. Then they agree on when and where.

"File No. 134750-1-D" means Udhe Singh (Dave) Basi, James S. Duncan, and Anthony R. Young.

The charges are: against Basi: Breach of trust by a public officer. Against Duncan and Young: person dealing with government offering bribe.

To obtain this information, I spent hours in Victoria Court Room 101 that day without seeing Basi, Duncan, or Young. In the end, I had to rely upon the kindness of others to come up with these results. But I can tell you about the process ...

Go ahead.

Go try and find this information anywhere else other than Mary's site.

Could it be that, like pols, we get the journos we deserve?


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