Saturday, August 05, 2006

Compassion From Canada!

Well at least from two fellow Londoners. Glen Pearson and Jane Roy have travelled to Lebanon while everyone else is fleeing, to assess the humanitarian needs and get information back to Londons' concerned Lebanese community. Many people do want to help, despite our governments lack of leadership. They've been surprised at how aware Lebanese are of Canada's position and views. We're still thought of as a "balanced" country? There's hope but we must help soon. There are close to 1 million displaced people. Winter is coming and a crisis looms. Some diseases are starting to break out. Even if a ceasefire is called, there is so much damage to the infrastructuture, already eastimated at 20 years to rebuild, that they will need much long term assistance. I salute two brave humanitarians that only see people in crisis and feel compelled to help. Q

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