Monday, February 26, 2007

They're Back........



Update, 5:30pm, Monday Feb 26/07 - Originally, the first line of this post read:

'Well, just when I thought the Canadian Press had freed me.....'.

However, after taking Mary's comments to heart (see the footnote at the bottom of the piece for details) and after reading the first comment I realized that this should be changed to include the person who really started this thing rolling, GWest)


Well, just when we (ie. GWest and me) thought the Canadian Press had freed us from the mighty Whirlitzer, Mr. Stephen Taylor, a man known for his, shall we say, "somewhat" conservative allegiances has thrown us back into it's spinning blades.

This time by way of Macleans:

In response to a related article, Maclean's 50 member and conservative blogger Stephen Taylor posted a link to an entry on The Gazetteer blog apparently written by Bolan in which she rejects any suggestion the story was the product of a government leak.

"The reason I wrote the story this week is because I just learned (through Sikh community contacts, not POLICE) that [Darshan Singh] Saini was the father-in-law of Bains," Bolan wrote. "I did not know that until very recently. I called up Saini and Bains and they confirmed it. I thought it was relevant. So don't always look for a political conspiracy. In this case, there isn't one."

Now, the 'staff' posted this up today, Monday, Feb 26th.

Which begs the question.......

Did they even bother to have a look at the follow-up post that I wrote late on Friday, Feb 23rd after I heard directly from Ms. Bolan via Email, and which David Akin of CTV was good enough to link to on the morning of Saturday Feb 24th?

Clearly, based on this, the people who make it their business to poke and prod the MSM machine into taking their bait do so safe in the knowledge that the minions turning the cranks are either too overworked, too time-pressured or, dare I suggest it, too lazy, to actually check their source material carefully, if at all.

And, as an aside, I now know what it feels like to be one of the pokers and prodders' mangled minnows.


By The Way- Again, as Mary points out in the comments on the last post, we should all pay tribute to one of the knowledgeable Anon-O-mice at her place who, as it turns out, is none other than our good friend GWest.
And One More Thing- Any of you MSM folks that may (or, more likely, may not) read this should really think hard about spending some time digging into the subject matter of Mary's Blog - which should soon be B.C.'s second trial of the century. OK?


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