Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Drink-Soaked Popinjay....

.....Pops Off Once Again



After this.......

Before the (Senate Committee) hearing began, the Respect MP for Bethnal Green and Bow (Galloway) even had some scorn left over to bestow generously upon the pro-war writer Christopher Hitchens.

"You're a drink-soaked former Trotskyist popinjay," Mr Galloway informed him. "Your hands are shaking. You badly need another drink," he added later, ignoring Mr Hitchens's questions and staring intently ahead.

.....We were pretty sure that the Popinjay would never be heard from again.

But in this, the world of 'The Screamer', the pundits and their editors will always go back for more.

And so it was that the Globe and (nolongerEmpire) Mail's Simon Houpt caught up with Mr. Hitchens recently for a boozy, curbside lunch in one of Manhattan's few remaining smoke holes.

Hitchens refused to be photographed filling his lungs with tar or his bloodstream with nicotine but, according to Houpt, he did fill his gullet with whiskey and merlot and even resorted to eating with his hands when cutlery was momentarily wanting.

Of course, this was all about book flogging.

But, still, Mr. Hitchens took a little time out from slamming organized religion to fling invective at that which he really detests.

Which appears to be anyone, particularly if they have a progressive bone in their body, who thinks that the time has come for the nakedly aggressive occupiers and their well-paid quislings to stop killing and being killed in Iraq for no good reason at all.

To whit:

"I despise them. Really despise them. I'll never forgive it. They're prepared to let Iraq fall into the hands of the scum of the Earth

Which, based on the overwhelming evidence so far, is both bizarre and deluded in the way it grasps at that long-gone last straw of American exceptionalism that was vaporized to dust in the flash of the gigantic, white-hot crack-pipe of creative destructionism that the PNACKian paddy-whackers have been addicted to since, well, forever.

Or, put another way, it is actually zealotry, the very thing which Mr. Hitchens professes to rail against, that prevents people like him from focusing their eyes just long enough to generate that split second of clarity it would take for them to see that it is precisely that fall, into those hands, that those who are calling for the end of the occupation are trying to prevent.

Then again, in Hitchens case at least, maybe it is just the drink.


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