Thursday, May 10, 2007

Late Breaking, On The Dobranos.....

....In Which Things Get Curiouser And Curiouser.

Apparently, the 'immunity' for the Crown's star witness in the BC Railgate Trial, the man sometimes known as Spiderman, Eric Bornmann, who once worked for the LINO Lovin' Lobbshop called Pilothouse which allegedly acted as the middlemen for bribes paid to two of the accused, former Dobrano's Deputy Ministers David Basi and Robert Virk, has been 'breached'.

This just in from Neal Hall (one of the 'Scribes in Studio' according to Mr. T.) in today's Vancouver Sun:

The lawyer said Bornmann attended the University of B.C. law school class in April 2004, which included a lecture by (Special Prosecutor Bill)Berardino, but Bornmann was not in the breakout session taught by Berardino.

(Assistant Special Prosecutor Janet) Winteringham also told the judge (Elizabeth Bennett) the prosecution has disclosed all the documents related to Bornmann's immunity from prosecution agreement, which was later cancelled after Bornmann breached the conditions.

It remains unclear what conditions were breached by Bornmann.


Could it have something to do with a little thing some have called a 'false self-exoneration' that arose when Bornman...

".....told news media that he had been exonerated in the police investigation, which involved an unprecedented raid, in December, 2003, on the legislature offices of Mr. Basi and Mr. Virk, who were both ministerial aides at the time."

We'll have to wait and see on that.

Regardless, we're pretty sure somebody's Spidey-Sense must be glowing radioactive today.


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