Thursday, May 15, 2008

Who Needs Green Washing....

....When You've Got Green Polling


Public Eye guy S.M. Holman has both stories:

During its February 12 throne speech, the Campbell administration announced it would be rewarding British Columbians for making choices that will "save energy, water, fuel, time and money" as part of its LiveSmart BC strategy. But the thrust and even the name of that program - which will include "public education campaigns that will give citizens the tools and information they need to make informed choices" - seems to have been outlined in a report prepared by Decima Research Ltd. for the government.....

{swippety switcheroo-doo-dah}

...Decima Research Ltd.'s report didn't just include clever monikers for the Campbell administration's climate action initiatives. As part of its recommendations on the Campbell administration should sell those initiatives, the polling firm also tested a "series of visual concepts" connected to the environment - with the strongest reaction being to pictures of polar bears and cars in traffic.

You want a side of greened-up coalbed methane with that?

Image courtesy of Anita Lee's very fine photostream.


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