Friday, May 30, 2008

Will We Get High With A Little Help From His Friends?


OK, maybe not 'high' in the actual Lennon and McCartney sense.

But it looks like, maybe, that British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell has been getting by with a little help from his friends when it comes to making sure we pay the highest prices possible for our prescription drugs.


As he so often does on 'scores' like this, Sean Holman has the story:

The provincial government has recently been lambasted for pandering to brand-name drug companies. This, after the Campbell administration accepted the recommendations of its pharmaceutical task force, which was stacked with representatives from the drug industry.

And now Public Eye has learned Canada's Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies or Rx&D - the brand-names' lobbying association - may even have given the task force a hand completing some of its homework.

The last page of its report states, "Industry will provide staffing, information and research supports through Rx and D at no charge to the Task Force budget.".....



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