Sunday, June 15, 2008

BC Transmission Corporation Surveillance Re-Visited....


The 'alleged' surveillance car with camera (in red circle) pointed at the Bee Family's house.

Inside the 'alleged' surveillance car looking at camera, camera operator, and driver

Would You Want This Happening Right Outside Your Front Door?

A couple of days ago I wrote a snarkolepsy-laden piece on the B.C. Transmission Corporation's statements, through a sycophantic spokesthingy, that it is their legal right and obligation to spy on people in Tsawwassen who do not want the corporation to put up new, higher, and higher voltage, lines in their backyards.

I then heard back from a lady whose family has 'allegedly' been surveilled, and all the snark very quickly fell away like a warm North Delta rain.

I will call this lady Ms. 'Bee', and the following is part of what she had to say when she sent me the pictures shown above:

Hi Ross

I also have a video I made of them, with audio, on my digital.

In one incident, we confronted them and told them to turn the camera off, and asked who they were working for.
The guy with the camera said he was a freelance photographer, said he did have a 'name' but would not give us his name. We told him to stop following us like he has been doing for several weeks. He lowered the camera to his lap, but I think it was still running recording the audio....

.... well I kept my camera running too, right in his face. Then I walked around to the front of the car and took a clip of his license plate and the Police were called.....
We spent the day on the phone yesterday (Friday) with lawyers and we were told that it will be extremely difficult to get a restraining order against BCTC, regardless that we have pictures and video footage of them..and a license plate number....

..... legal advice told us to call 911 if they continued to follow us and if we had concern for our saftey.
So that was not helpful as we had hoped. We are on xxx** street, and live directly under the ROW (right of way) but our property (so far) does not have construction planned for it and it is not an access point (so far) for the heavy equipment. So we don't really understand why we are being followed. Yes we are against the lines but we are not involved in the ferry protests either.....

So, let's re-cap......

#1 These 'people' have staked out the front of Mr. Bee and her family's house for weeks and they have been filming the family's comings and goings while there are absolutely NO protests taking place.

#2 Ms. Bee and her family have not , repeat NOT, been involved in any efforts to physically obstruct BC Transmission Corporation workers from gaining access to the right-of-way where the new higher voltage transmission towers and wires are to be built

#3 Ms. Bee and her family have not, repeat NOT, been involved in the ferry traffic-blocking protests.

However, Ms. Bee and her family are opposed new higher voltage power lines.

Now, in my books, that last point is fully justified in a representative, dare I say 'liberal', democracy.

In fact, to throw the spokesthingy's words back in her and her paymasters' faces, I would even go so far as to very strongly suggest that is actually the right and the obligation of members of the public to do their best to peacefully affect change when they feel it is warranted.

Finally, please don't forget, as was outlined in our original post, that the 'Corporation' 'delivered' large quantities the surveillance material to Tsawwassen residents opposed to their plans in big 'intimidating' envelopes.

Thus, this is not a simple case of paranoia.

Because it is really happening.

To our fellow citizens.

So, the really big question is....

Would any of us want it to happen to us?

And don't forget the BCTC is a 'crown' corporation. Thus, they are supposed to be working for us. Given that, as was asked by Sean Holman's Trooper-assisted 'hell-raising' panel on his radio show this morning, "Where is the provincial goverment in all of this?"


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