Thursday, June 12, 2008

Why I Hate The Fraser Institute


Our oldest daughter, Bigger E. is now in Grade 9.

And classes are over for her this year.

But school is most definitely NOT yet out for summer.


Because there is a huge 'exam period' for finals.

Again, this is Grade 9, not University.


Just what the heckfire is the real purpose of all this cramming anyway?


Last weekend E. was working on one of her final class projects and she composed a poem so powerful that it almost made me weep with joy.

So much so that I came running out of the Subterranean Blues Room (where I do my own homework/science geek stuff) hollering.....

"This is a thousand times better than homework!"

And it was.

As for stupid regurg-o-matic exams, the results of which are not even worth the spreadsheet pixels the Fraser Institute prints them on, well, I'd up that thousand by about six orders of magnitude.

Times negative 1.



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