Sunday, September 28, 2008

There Is One Thing That Stephen Harper And I Both Know....

.....Which Is That It Doesn't Matter If Millions Of Canadians Believe His Obfuscations About The CFIA, Because We Both Know That It Was His Policy, and His Policy Alone, That Removed Government Inspectors From The Meat Processing Plant Where The Listeria Bloomed....

(we now return you to our regularly scheduled post)




Despite the unarguable proof that it was his government's policy change that led to the removal of Canadian Food Inspection Agency inspectors from meat processing plants, Mr. Stephen Harper implied earlier this week that the listeriosis outbreak was the fault of the previous Liberal government and that it was his government that was actually the proactive one:

The Conservative leader (Mr. Harper) insisted his government has already taken action by modernizing the inspection system and hiring 200 new inspectors and will conduct a "comprehensive" inquiry into the listeriosis outbreak.

"We are aware of deficiencies, and that's why we're acting and investing, both putting money [into the system] and looking very carefully at our processes as we go forward," he said.

"The previous (Liberal) government was aware of some of these deficiencies, [but] they didn't act. We have been acting."

This is unadulterated codswallop.

And it should be Mr. Harper's 'Brownie, you're doin' a heckuva job' moment.

In other words, he should wear this for now and forever after, because this so-called 'frenzy of inspector-hiring' came after.....

After people started getting sick.....

And after people started dieing......

And before all that, the common and easy to disinfect listeria bacilli began blooming deep within the bowels of those meatcutters in that processing plant which no longer received visits from CFIA inspectors because of an overt, and demonstrable, policy change instituted by the government of Mr. Stephen Harper.

No ifs.

No ands.

And no buts.

No matter how much he obfuscates.


We sure wish the media would put the question of the policy change and its aftermath directly to Mr. Harper but, as Mr. David Akin informed us, the National Media following the Conservative Co-Leader around the country on the campaign trail are muzzled in such a way that they are not able to ask it or, most importantly, follow-ups based on the obfuscatory replies given. All of which makes one wonder if that muzzling of reporters ability to ask questions when they are at press conferences called by Mr Harper so that they can ostensibly ask him questions (?!), has something to do with the post-9/11 too? Quick! Tape up the exit signs!

And we thank
DTK for bringing the latest obfuscation in which the Liberals are blamed (and in which the media, in this case the CBC, report it as a false equivalency without comment) to our attention.
We had missed it.


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