Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fairview-Comes-A-Live...... Blogging The B.C. By-Election



Update 11:05pm....It's a Double - Dipper Win in Burrard And Fairview...The Night In Narrative form in this post, below; hard numbers in following posts

8:15pm polls reporting; no many e-officers does the Goodship Gordo have working tonight anyway?......Heading back to the pumpkin carving upstairs with the Two E's...

8:48pm....Now E-BC is giving the following message, "Error establishing a database connection"....Oh, the humanity!......

9:02pm.....In the absence of real results CKNW resorts to reports from the political parties themselves on its 9pm newscast which is, of course, worth something less than zero.....LINOs say they are up in Fairview, down in Burrard.....Dippers say they are up in both.....methodology unknown....Bigger E is now estimating her Eco-footprint in Subterranean Blues Room's nextdoor cubicle....

9:04pm.....Meanwhile, the chattering classes want to know - will the 'Harvey-O Effect' influence tonight's results? to lullaby littler e. to bed....

9:09pm.....WX has what looks to be some real numbers up.....

New Democrat Herbert Spencer leads with 2428 votes in Vancouver Burrard compared to Liberal Arthur Griffiths' 1321 votes.

In Vancouver-Fairview Jenn McGinn of the NDP has 4049 votes, while Liberal candidate Dr. Margaret MacDiarmid has just over 3500 votes with 100 polls reporting.

Elections BC officials say today's voter turnout was low and there was some concern that the by-elections were being held in between the federal and municipal elections.

Looks like maybe little Arthur is going down (again)......

10:09pm.....WX is calling it a double Dipper win....they have crazy high numbers....On E-BC site it is Dipper Herbert 1434 - LINO Griffiths 974 in Fairview and LINO McDiarmid 667 - Dipper McGinn 591......Hmmmmm....

10:20pm.....Burrard almost done....It's Dipper Herbert in a cakewalk....E-BC numbers with 174/195 boxes counted directly below.....the real Fairview numbers are still really slow coming in.....Bigger E is carving the Obama symbol into her pumpkin.....Rosalita (yes, THAT Rosie) the puppy went to bed with littler e.....they both dozed off to 'The Rising' in the key of D (that E-flat is just too sad for me).....

10:32.....Real Fairview numbers (139/149 boxes) in......Dipper McGinn up by 600.....really does look like a double dip (full numbers in post right below).....

10:33pm.....I've got turnout at about 22-23% for both ......looks like Gordo's voter suppression strategy worked, but backfired badly anyway......

10:40pm.....Charlie Smith of the GStraight is peeved at E-BC, and it's not just because of the website problems.....All the free pro-media time in all of Lotusland couldn't help the LINO's this time around.....Thanks Harvey!

10:46pm.....Just like the Griffiths Family's lost empire itself, it's amazing to see how far the family's former asset, the (nolongerso)Giant98 has fallen.....still nothing, absolutely nothing, on their website about the Bye-Bye's for BC's former 'NewsLeader'.....maybe Bill Good is out in Point Grey somewhere carrying water with a sieve?....

10:55pm.....Somewhere a lady with a generous panniculus is starting to sing, because this thing is done......The Dippers win the Pennant!......50% plus for Herbert in Burrard, burying Wee Arthur.....47% for McGinn in Fairview topping high profile McDiarmid, she of the LINO-CON lawnsigns, by 600 votes......Meanwhile, the Emery Family Singers are heading back to the Bong as Jodie and Marc pull in just over 500 votes...... combined....

11:01pm.....CKNW finally has something concrete on 11pm newscast.... calls it double-dipper....reports that Wee Arthur says he will run again, but likely in a 'different' riding which is weird, because last I knew he actually lives in the near WestEnd.....Gordo is already downplaying defeat (ha!) saying he didn't really try too hard (ha! ha! ha!)....if that's the case why did he have people doing crazy mixed-up stuff like Big Rich Coleman suddenly opening offices for Tenants in the Westend two days before the election?....and why too did he lock up the herd media before his aforementioned free media freakout last week?.....

11:05pm....That's it, I'm done!.....Only a few ballot boxes left to report....if you want to look them up here are the E-BC links for the counts from Burrard and Fairview.....gotta go get the teenager E. to bed..... G'night all......



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