Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Campaign Day 23....StealthLibs XXIX and XXX


This morning's winners are.....

Pat Bell and Shirley Bond
The Liberal MLA's For BC Rail Sell-Out, North & More North

And what's their excuse?

Well, according to Ms. 'Don't-Call-Me-Pat' Bond, it's because she has to drive people to the advance polls today instead of attending an all candidate's forum on education with her partner-in-privatization:

".....Neither of this area's two Liberal candidates will be attending an all-candidates forum on education -- but Prince George-Valemount incumbent Shirley Bond insists it's not over concern they'll be facing a hostile crowd.

Reached Friday, Bond, who is also the province's education minister, said it's being held Wednesday, the same day the first of four advance-voting opportunities are scheduled and instead wants to concentrate on getting the vote out in what could be a tight election.

"At that point in an election, we're going to be working every day, every hour, to make sure we're getting our voters to the polls," she said, adding colleague Pat Bell, running in Prince George-Mackenzie, will also not be participating for the same reason.....

Sure thing Ms. Bond

And codswallop is less filling AND it tastes great slathered on cafeteria fries...

Thanks to reader 'il postino' for the tip.....And keep those tips coming..... photos too....If you feel more comfortable doing it off-line you can always EMail us


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