Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sabotaging American Healthcare Reform....


Have The Screamers And Sycophants (and their Big-Money Backers) Won?

Why yes.

It looks like they just may have:

"....According to The Associated Press, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is suggesting the White House is ready to accept nonprofit insurance cooperatives instead of a government-run public option in a health overhaul plan.

Speaking on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Ms. Sebelius says Mr. Obama still believes there should be choice and competition” in the health insurance market — but that a public option is “not the essential element...."

This is very, very, very bad indeed.

The following is a comment I left on a very good post from Kirk Murphy, a real live doctor who was willing to compromise, downward, from Universal/Single Payer to Public Option previously, over at Firedoglake:

"What I think folks (in the States) need to realize is that, regardless future political situations (ie. even with a hammerhead majority in both houses and the WH), if you all lose on this one based on the ’successful’ use of the tactics used here….


You’ll never win.


(In Canada, we did not get Universal Healthcare because of the federal government of the day rammed it through…..Instead, we got it because a very vocal progressive minority pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed in just one province against all odds…..And guess what, the guy leading that minority was Jack Bauer’s grandfather!)

Amy Goodman talked about the KSutherland/TDouglas Connection recently here."

