Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is Lotusland Open For Business?


The "Money-Laundering" business I mean?

After all, it's hard not to read a recent report from Sean Holman at Public Eye and not seriously wonder if that really and truly is the case.

Here are a couple of excerpts from Mr. Holman's piece:

The former commander of British Columbia's now-defunct integrated illegal gaming enforcement team is questioning the provincial government's commitment to "meaningful" illegal gaming investigations. Speaking exclusively with Public Eye, Fred Pinnock also described the RCMP's senior management in British Columbia as demonstrating "willful blindness" when it comes to the connection between illegal gaming and organized crime. And he said his provincially-funded RCMP team should have been expanded - not shutdown.....


.....Mr. Pinnock acknowledged those at BC Lotteries and the enforcement branch are "very competent people."

But he questioned whether their "resources and mandate are sufficient to effectively target the criminal activity going on within these environments," noting they don't appear to have had much impact.

The reason: Mr. Pinnock said there hasn't been any big busts at casinos even though "it obvious that highly-pedigreed gangsters frequent these venues on a continuing basis. There's a ton of criminal activity being conducted in these places every day, including money laundering, loansharking and other enterprise crimes.".....


You know, when Springsteen was here awhile back, I was floored when he changed things up and OPENED the show with Atlantic City.....Which, given that he is known to use his set-list to make statements, is pretty interesting don't you think?
Paul Willcocks also comments on Mr. Holman's fine bit of investigatory interviewing.


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