Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why Do Those People On The TeeVee Seem So Interesting Anyway?


Last night I had to go to a deal with a passel of well-dressed people to do some science-geek proselytizing.

In some circles at least it was probably considered a reasonably big deal.

Especially because this guy was there.

Only thing is - the two e.'s were home alone because C. was off working on a show so, even though it was getting late, I stopped in at our local movie store to get something for them after I was done.

I settled on the US Americans version of 'The Office'.

We're about halfway through season three - which is how my kids watch TV -after the fact and in bunches.

In fact, we just finished a four month project to get through the first three seasons of Mary Tyler Moore - the e's like the weirdly cool womens fashions and Mr. Grant's stubby ties.

Anyway, this (and, truth be told, a recent book review in The Globe by Cynthia Macdonald) reminds me of something that Barbara Ehrenreich kinda/sorta once said:

"People on television seem so interesting because they never actually watch television."

Or some such thing.

Have a nice 1 day mid-week weekend everybody - and don't forget to remember someone real.



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