Sunday, February 07, 2010

Our Busking Yr, Week 5: Death Metal!


Yup, that's right..... During Week 5 we covered 'The Best Ever Death Metal Band Out Of Denton' by The Mountain Goats.

Oh, and did I mention that John Darnielle is a freaking genius, short horns and all?

O.Y.O.B.D, Week Three:
Venues: The North end of Trout Lake Park with nary a white Circus-Buick in sight by day; Queen Elizabeth Park, under the TaiChi arbours, briefly, by night and fountain light....
Set List: Really messy .....We got muddy dog prints all over the tab-book, but newish additions included Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Reason To Believe, and The Sign...

Number of Not-So Bad, Non-Evil Green Empire Coffees: Just one each for Bigger E and me, and some kinda weird grape sodaish thing for littler e from one of the Kewl Kids' and Ol' Italian Guys' favorites on Commercial...
Number of strings broken: One....the still kinda fat D string - I've got to learn to stop squeezing the pick as hard as Steve Bernier squeezes his stick when he's trying to make sawdust....
Working on: Star-Star by the Frames and the Mic Christopher version of the ol' Kelly Marie disco classic 'Feels Like I'm in Love' for me....littler e. is working on her non-daft surf punk uke instrumentals...And Bigger E. is gobbling up so much, so fast, that I just can't keep up.....
And thanks to...... Beer for coming by with The Hammer.......The Reverend Paper Boy for noticing.......and Poetry Jon for going the distance and generating one of the best comment threads I've ever been involved in.....ever.
Faces We'd Like To See In The Passing Parade One Day: Well, in addition to the usual suspects on the sidebar (you most definitely know who you are), how about Declan.....?


Updating!!!!!.....We will kick off Week 6 on Sunday Feb 7th by returning to Trout Lake (north end nearest 12thAve/Grandview - very dog-, kid- and buskalero-friendly) from ~1-3pm....



  1. How was I to know? I got married. It was a disaster. I got divorced. The divorce went better than the marriage. I stayed friends with my ex and step daughter. I was bored and lonesome. I spent a lot of time online. I decided I needed to start a new blog to collect some of my online thoughts. My ex and step daughter dropped by for Christmas. They gave me a twenty dollar ukulele. I googled 'ukulele'.

    I all worked out real well.

    Ross, I really do love this series of busking posts. You're a great dad. You have great kids.

    I am, seriously, going to have to make it back to Canada this summer. If I talk anymore about Newfoundland my friends will force me to go there. I am really eager to explore my Newfoundland heritage, but I'm not so damn eager that I want to explore it in the winter time. Try and learn "Sea of Love" by Phil Phillips. We can busk together.

    Or you could suggest a song?

  2. Jon--

    Your ex-wife and your step-daughter got you into the Ukulele business?


    That is fantastic!!

    We will learn Sea of Love and we will be ready to play it with you in July, first half....We are coming to Gualala but when we do we always have at least one pass through Santa Rosa....


  3. Oh, and just so you don't start to think differently of us...Whenever we do to Gualala we always sneak into the SeaRanch pools and wreak havoc with the showers....

    Just for the heckfire of it.



  4. I know some wonderful people who live or have lived in Gualala. I don't think any of them lived in Sea Ranch but I'm sure they would have been pleased to see you in the pools if they did.

    I play Sea of Love in F. The chords, though not in order, are F, A7, Dm, Bb and C. It's slightly challenging because it's in 3/4 time.

    My other favorite is Pictures of Matchstick Men by Status Quo. Also slightly tricky because it changes key, but it is all first position major chords, you just have to learn them.

    Then again you could always suggest some sensible three chord song. They work too.

    You can email me at njon (at) sonic (Period, or if you like Dot) com

  5. e, E, and RossK:

    We're luvin' these performances, and are lookin' forward to many more in the upcoming year.

    "Yee Haw" and keep up the good work . . . . .

  6. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    You've started my week wonderfully well.

  7. Very nice stuff Ross and the E's - sweet stuff.

    When are you going to take the show on the road - say back to the Island?

    Thank you.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Got it Jon--

    We'll be workin' on it.

    (and I'm going to send you an email...)


  10. Paul--

    Just thought it might.


    If you want to make your month, check this out.

  11. Springtime, GWest--

    Springtime....We'll keep you all posted...

    Luckily, Paul W has already offered to cover us with his family's Busking license.



  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Nice try SpamAbove.....


    (#41 - first one to use colours, crayons and spend 'weird' correctly)

  14. will the next bloggerpalooza in Van become buskalicious? If so, bring the video camera!

  15. fine idea herr reverend.


    rumour has it that unauthorized digicams have been banned from our well-samaranched streets for the duration....

    (jeebus - just realized that the codswallop above reads like bizarro spam designed to bamboozle me into buying a condo in the barcelona' wors slum because I thought it was actually a beach hourse filled to bursting with bratwurst....or some such thing).


  16. e, E, and RossK: This is wonderful! How could I have been missing it? Thanks for sending us a signal, Ross. If you and the Es are ever ready for the north shore of Lake Ontariariario, I can show you a great li'l spot ...

  17. skadadl--

    Great to hear from you!

    We most certainly will.

