Sunday, August 01, 2010

The Hardest Writing Journos In Lotusland...



Post-show update at bottom of post....

....Are On The Radio This Morning

Yup, that's right.

It's pixel-dust wretches Holman and Oberfeld, together on the same radio show.

You can catch it live here starting at 8:00am Sunday morning.

Or catch-up with it later on the pod, here.



Here's the thing.

A journalist who works hard is not the same thing as one who writes/reports hard.

Although the two things are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

But getting both in the same package is getting pretty darned rare.

Especially 'round here.

That's the legendary, and long gone, hard working/hard writer Mike Royko in the clip above....Another lifelong dualist of the form, Daniel Schorr, just passed away last week.
Post-show update: One of the items that came up was the recent 'interesting' goings on at the Oil and Gas Commission.........Now this fine Commission, and the fine folks who have worked for it and/or its predecessor, is something I've written about before, including back in those long gone times when the Blogasauri stomped on the Lotuslandian Terra and the Fraser River flowed East (ie. in 2004).....Anyway, the discussion on Mr. Holman's show this morning led me to exume a report from Auditor General that was published back in February of this year (warning pdf)....Lots of interesting gloves-off stuff in there....More to come later.


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