Friday, October 08, 2010

If RailGate Was A Comic Strip....

...It Would Almost Be As Old As Doonesbury.

Which begs the question....

Who, exactly, is Railgate's Uncle Duke?

For the record, the trial, with both judge and jury, is supposed to start up again next week...Which means the publication ban will be off and, presumably, a brand new witness will take the stand....Rumour has it that it will finally be the ol' flight instructor.....
For anyone interested, there is a very nice Doonesbury retrospective, pretty much in G. Trudeau's own words and pictures, in this month's dead tree version of 'The Atlantic'.....You can see it online too, as long as you're willing to wait out the ads for Boomer toys which, of course, is ironic in the extreme.



  1. You're jumping the gun here RossK, Bolton hasn't finished with Kenning yet. Remember, he went back east for a birthday party on the day that Basi was still ill, but wasn't confirmed on the day that the Witness took flight.

  2. Anon-Above--

    What's that you say?

    The well-paid Railgate plunderer....errrrr..."leaser" is still on the stand?

    Losing track of details like that is what must happen when you let life get in the way of your Railgate obsession.



  3. meantime ...

    I hadta look up Uncle Duke. Haaa. Well, I may not think Gordo is half as innovative as Uncle Duke, but

    we certainly can identify who Honey Huan is. Wikipedia has the portrait down pat.

    Favourite quote: "Duke remained hairless for several years following his zombie period." If only. If only x2.

  4. I dunno Mary....

    I've often thought that Mr. Campbell himself is, perhaps, starring in a different movie.



    This one.

    (remember those flannel shirts, and....wasn't there a guitar there somewhere?)



  5. The only Uncle Duke of B.C. politics is Bill Bennett. His nephews try hard but none of them have yet measure up to that ...

  6. this is an unfortunate comparison as Duke has always been a role model. I even call my wife "Honey".

  7. rev--

    Fair enough, but....

    Didn't the good Docktor want to strangle Mr. Trudeau because of what ol' Duke did to his 'reputation'?

    And besides, he (Duke of the Doones) was sure no Raoul.....



  8. I have come to conclude that there will sadly only be one Hunter, until there are drastic changes to the media monopoly here that is guised as a free press.
