Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hey, Let's Get Pammy...



Christy Clark won't debate Adrian Dix on the HST.

Well, given that Pamela Martin's new job is, allegedly, to....

Or, to paraphrase a famous TeeVee commercial, does Ms. Martin hate everything (political)?



  1. Chipmunk Cheeks really is an empty pants-suit, isn't she, RossK?

    What a wimp to refuse this offer. Fer krisesakes, it was to be in her home turf with Watercarrier BG moderating.

    One can only hope the public sees this as the cowardice that it is . . . .

  2. Bill Good and Pamela Martin went for lunch together on Wednesday...A call-in caller said to Bill Boy(Today, Thursday June 30/2011)....The segment was about CCTV cameras everywhere...

    The caller said..."These cameras can see celebrities and other personalities doing THINGS in the privacy of cars"....

    Then Bill Good knew the gig was up...He admitted having lunch again with Pamela Martin again yesterday...

    And Billy Good`s attack of Gordon MacDonald last Friday now makes sense..

    It appears that Pamela Martin and Billy Good are and have been sharing more than a Microphone.....

  3. Bob--

    Unfortunately, as we have learned, even if we see the public sees it as the cowardice (or, as Harvey O has suggested, the reading of the internal poll number leaves on the referenum) that it is, no one in the proMedia will take notice until the Dean tells them to.



    Does this mean, perhaps, that there is more to that job description definition of 'outreach' than we have been told?


  4. Bill Good made the biggest industry never criticize each other....Until Monday, this past Monday...

    Billy Good ripped Gord MacDonald (on-air) on his morning editorial comment..

    He ripped Gord MacDonald for taking a swipe at Pamela Martin on her "Outreach" job...

    Billy Good broke the cardinal industry rule...Why???Why indeed..

    In Fact Ross K...Billy Good sounded like a man defending his girlfriend or main squeeze!

    I wonder if Mr.s Bill Good is still wandering around London?

    Good Day

  5. Looks like our province's rainmaking horse owner has set an agenda for the soon to be announced Clark election tour and she is not going to veer off it because her hands are not on the wheel of the bus.

    As for the rest of the story? I am just about speechless, at the request of my lawyers. Makes me want to seriously consider the benefits of hip replacement surgery however.

  6. Beer--

    Never mind driving, I'm not sure she's even allowed on the bus.

    Heckfire, it appears she's actually in the barn hidden out back behind the stables where the real thoroughs are awaiting their time in the sun.

  7. RossK, when you started to mention stables and out back, I thought you were referring to the spitting mad incidence of El Gordo against Bill Bennett (the only BC Liberal Party member to speak out loud of the former Premier lack of anger management).

    If the High Commissioner loses his temper over in England........

  8. Anon-Above--

    Was actually thinking of the rainmaker's various and assorted sundry assets, holdings and chattel.

    However, you raise a very interesting point, given how the both the Fleet St. Foxes and the Gutter Runners work over there.



  9. Food for thought for gordo over in England. (1) They do not like drunks drivers at all there.
    (2) Cocaine is about twice the price as over here (3) good news, it seems the Brits don't mind their elected officals having affairs, as well as out - of - marriage kids. Its heaven almost for the druggie.

    Kam Lee
