Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Killing Jobs Softly With Her Logs



To be more precise, Christy Clark-Campbell's government's job-killing policies that have lead to the export of 40% of all the timber harvested in coastal British Columbia* this year as....

And that, to put it mildly, does not make the folks who make their living cutting and processing our homegrown timber happy.

Because it means that their jobs, which have been dissolving, Houdini's box-like, right-in-front of their eyes ever since the Golden Era first began, are now disappearing from Lotusland faster than even poor Mr. Owen Nolan.

And no amount of lipstick applied to any spur-line pig is going to change that real-life reality that really and truly affects families.


Which is something our local Sawmill correspondent, Mr. Beer 'N Hockey, makes abundantly clear.

(Please note: Because it speaks to both the truth and the rage of the thing, Mr. Beer's missive is neither for the faint of heart or the delicate-eared)

*Thanks to reader Tony M. for correcting me....I had originally written '40% of all the timber harvested in the entire province'....But you could argue that 40% of the coast's cut this year is actually worse given that that timber has less of the beetle-infested junk in it (ie. one could argue that we are sending out all our best logs for, essentially, no public return).
And Laila, thanks to Mr. Beer's prodding as well, is all over this one.



  1. I read Beer and Hockey and I agree with his anger, right to the nth degree.

    They now also want to log the Rain Forests. No doubt those raw logs will go to China as well. The Channel through the Rain Forests, is the same channel the dirty oil tankers will use, to get to Port Kitimat.

    It is also American contractors who are getting all the projects. They are bringing their own workers with them, such as the smelter tear down in Kitimat.

    How many of the seven mines are American? They too will bring their own mine workers as well?

    All of Christy's job plans, are for the Americans. Even if BC gets some of the ship building. She will give the contract to SeaSpan, another American company. The same company Christy's brother was involved with.

    All the Campbell/Clark and the BC Liberals are doing is, promising like they always do...Such as the BCR wasn't for sale. The HST wasn't on Campbell and Hansen's radar. We will then find ourselves with knives in our backs, as our jobs are being given to the Americans.

  2. Then there was the liar Pat Bell claiming on CKNW that 27 mills have re-opened and ten thousand jobs have returned. What mills? Which jobs? He never was asked to prove it. What lousy media we have in this province. Not a scintilla of critical thought. Not one bloody iota.

    One quibble that you might check. I think that 40% number is 40 % of logs from the coast, not the whole province. Still too bloody many, but I quibble on the side of accuracy.

  3. Thanks for the perspective Anon-Above.

    And thanks Tony, for the accuracy quibbling...I have corrected the post, and made a note of it

  4. Seems to me the logging industry is doing it to themselves. IOf you don't want raw logs to go to China, quit sending them. No one is forcing you to make a profit. A little pain (ie no work) now will result in more gain later (when the only way is to sell processed lumber).

  5. Anon-Above II--

    Here's the thing....

    If Lumber Co's were allowed to clear cut everything they would, eventually do that again too.

    They don't do it now, so much though.

    How come?

    Is it because they have decided they don't want to because it's the wrong thing to do?

    Their PR machines would like you to think that.

    But we all know that, in reality, that is not the case.

    Instead they have stopped for only one real reason.

    And that is regulation.


    The good Mr. Emerson's, Anschluss, which in, in my opinion, likely has some self-interest embedded in it, makes it harder to re-regulate given the litigation that will likely follow.

    But I say so what.

    It's not like we are not still being sued even now.



  6. Your title has been driving crazy trying to remember the real words...... so that I could better understand your drift on LOGS.

    "Norman Gimbel explains the genesis of the writing of the song "Killing Me Softly With His Song" as follows:

    I came to California in the mid-sixties. I was introduced to the Argentinean born composer named Lalo Schifrin (then of Mission Impossible fame). I ended up writing songs to a number of his motion pictures. I suggested we write a Broadway Musical together. He gave me an Argentinean novel translated into English from the Spanish to read as a possible idea. Suffice it to say, we never made a musical from the book -- but in one of the chapters, the principal character describes himself as sitting alone in a bar drinking and listening to an American pianist "Killing me softly with his blues".[1] I put it in my "idea" book for use at a future time with a parenthesis around the word "blues" and substituted the word "song" instead.[2] Many years later, Lori Lieberman saw Don McLean in concert. I then wrote the lyric and gave it to Charles Fox to set to music."[3]

    According to Lori Lieberman, the artist who performed the original recording, the song was born of a poem she wrote after experiencing a strong reaction to a Don McLean concert. She related this to Gimbel, who took her feelings and put them into words. Then, Gimbel passed the words on to Fox, who set them to music.[3]"


  7. Anon-Above III

    You got it.


    Is not all this 'jobs' talk song-and-dance from our current (not)Premier designed to nothing but put us to softly put us down?


  8. not premier?

    you mean caretaker Christy?

  9. NVG--

    Actually, I think of her as being more like the anti-caretaker.


    Put another way....

    A longer lived (at least in political terms) version of Rita J.

  10. Funny that, the comparison to Rita J., all the stars are in alignment for it to happen again, but this time for Christy C.

    The last time the NDP were the government the world economy was taking a nose dive in 2000, it was something that was beyond the control of the provincial government, although the NDP did set in motion gas productions that came up strong two and half years later.... for the shining knights BC Liberals.

    Every Budget that the BC Liberals have presented, show their graphs taking that nose dive, starting in 2001, then bottoming out in 2002/2003. Then it takes off to the top by 2006/2007, and then down again, after the 2008 Sub-Prime Mortgage fiasco kicks in.

    By 2009, the budgets are starting to look like the beginning of a Texan Stetson.


    No guarantee, by the BC Liberals, that the bottom has been reached.....


    RED LINE in the above photo is the nearly Half a Billion Deficit.

    Everything beyond that is pure, unadulterated .......... guesswork, by Falcon clown. In other words, history may prove that the BC Liberals are no better at controlling the world economy than the NDP were!

  11. Rita Margaret Johnston

    Hon. Rita Johnston

    29th Premier of British Columbia

    Assumed office April 2, 1991 – November 5, 1991

    1 May, 2 June, 3 July, 4 August, 5 September, 6 October, 7 November.

    Preceded by William Vander Zalm


    Christy Joan Clark(e)

    Hon. Christy Clark

    35th Premier of British Columbia

    Assumed office March 14, 2011

    1 April, 2 May, 3 June, 4 July, 5 August, 6 September, ....

    Preceded by Gordon Muir Campbell

  12. Thanks, as always, for the data-backed analysis NVG.

