Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Who Knew Watercarrying Could Be So Profitable?


Remember which Lotuslandian media outlet got the english TeeVee exclusive when the figurehead currently running the Gordon Campbell Legacy Government decided to announce that there would be no fall election?


Guess which Lotuslandian media outlet got the lion's share of our cash that was doled out by the Gordon Campbell Legacy Government to try and bamboozle us with Stickmen advertising?


You got it.

One and the same.


  1. With respect, I think people should not draw too many inferences. My understanding is that Global's annual national ad revenue is somewhere close to 3 billion. Let's assume that what used to be BCTV represents 5% of that (conservative since it's one of their biggest stations). So a half million is about a third of one percent of their annual revenue.

    My point is that I don't think that relative drop in a bucket will really influence their coverage or relationship. I only bring it up because remember during the dark times in the 90s arguing with some rabid right whingers about their contention that the media was soft on the NDP because they were reliant on government advertising. I am not kidding.

    Of course this doesn't take away from the obvious point that the gLibs should not be frittering away tax dollars on the partisan exercise of defending the HST. Nor does it diminish the credibility gap that Global should, as a news organization, want to close - a gap that is partly resultant of their clear bias (what independent news source donates to the governing party?) and partly resultant of awful, awful journalism.

    However I think it's important to keep the real and defendable issues separate from the harder to define issues like arguing (a la Charlie Smith) that news coverage is significantly impacted by government's advertising decisions.

  2. If one considers the usual operations of human nature, it is hard to imagine those with their hands on the chequebooks would not reward and punish friends and enemies. That goes for any political party unless they have established clear methodology to remove the temptations.

    Remember, the amount first discussed here related to one single program among many. If all Global TV got was half a million from the BC Government, I would stop wondering about financially stimulated bias. We must look at the annual provincial government and agency spending before we say it is immaterial to its recipient.

    You are right of course about awful journalism being the real issue. Financial bias is only one causative factor. The wonderful reality today is that very excellent news sources are available online. A person may never pick up a printed paper yet that individual can be up to date on any subject he/she chooses.

  3. Tony--

    Have a look at the list.

    How much money did GStraight get?

    Do you remember the video interview with the minder trying to cut things off where Mr. Campbell said...

    "It just doesn't work that way Charlie."

    In local buys, absolute dollars speak volumes.


  4. You made a slight error in your description of the current situation, and I suggest that the wording "the figurehead currently pretending to run the Gordon Campbell Legacy Government"

    Because I don't think Christy is running anything. Do you?

  5. In tonight's Voice of BC both Kieth Baldrey and Justine Hunter said that Christy Clark is not running the government its those that she has surrounded herself with (our tax dollars) who are running "her" BC Liberals (into the ground).

    Do we have a complete list of those fine unelected folks?

  6. Looking for "Voice of BC" archives - can't find anything after about 2 months ago... help please.

  7. Excellent points Ed and NVG.

    Anon-Above: You got me there...The kinghell digger 'round here is NVG


    Hey!....Wonder which media outlets are getting all the cash to run the BC Liberal Party's attack ads on John Cummins for taking his FedCon pension that, if you ask me, have flat out opened the door for the swelling Provincial Conservative rump to really go bananas on Camp Counsellor Pam (who the lifeguards really running the Camp keep away from the waterfront at all time lest she fall in with all those goldbricks in pockets).


  8. Well, what in the hell is Campbell doing?? He was appointed the, High Commissioner to England, with a cushy salary, driver and chef. What about his gold plated pension, on top of his cushy salary?

    Global is revolting, I refuse to watch the propaganda machine, for the BC Liberals. Global has no idea, how asinine they are, to suck for the BC Liberals TV ads. We all know about it, and so do they.

  9. Anon-Above--

    Thanks for stopping by and weighing in...

    Tony M., at the top of the thread, does, however, have a point given their market share.

    It is just the overwhelming enormity of the buy for one outlet, which is the very outlet that was also just chosen to carry the water for the (not)Premier, that I found most offensive.

