Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Whose Province Is It Anyway?



I dig it when Justine Hunter, uhhhh....

B.C. government bureaucrats were urging their political masters last spring to take a position on the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project. But a technical review due at the end of February still won’t provide an answer on whether Premier Christy Clark’s government supports or opposes the $5.5-billion proposal.

The wait-and-see approach has been entrenched since the province, under former premier Gordon Campbell, signed away B.C.’s right to conduct its own hearing. An agreement signed with Ottawa in July of 2010, making the National Energy Board the sole arbiter, provided Mr. Campbell and his ministers with cover to avoid direct questions about the proposal...

{snippety doo-dah}

....The province still has the opportunity to raise questions at the hearing, but there is no indication that it is planning to intercede.

Though there are myriad environmental issues raised by the pipeline that will have to managed by the province – ranging from tunnel development to waste handling, handling of hazardous materials, spill prevention and response – it now looks quite possible that B.C. will leave the National Energy Board entirely on the hook for the decision.


Once again.

We ask....What, if anything, did Ms. Clark agree to after she hired on her man from Enbridge and then got to suck back Timmy's with Mr. Harper at the hockey arena a couple of week ago?



  1. Would you like another blow job before the game is over, Mr. Harper? Oh please, Mr. Harper sir, I do love it so.

  2. rather gross thought.....as warped as our minister of war trying act the game of swinging playboy while he was really the whiney brat getting his daily wedgies as a schoolkid.......as much charisma as harper himself.
