Saturday, February 18, 2012

For Karen....I Want To Thank You For Something.


Have I told you what I really like most about blogging?

And it is the thing that hooked me before I even started this little F-troop list affair back in the mesozoic era of the pixel-word diary.

Give up?


It is the comments.


I reckon we've had about 14,000 of them around here.

And almost all of them have been great.

But none, I think, has been more wonderful than the one that 'karen' left at the bottom of a recent post that was really nothing more than my way of saying how very proud I am of my musical daughter.

Here is what Karen had to say:

"I love this blog!

I get good and mad at the political stuff and then I get all teary and proud and happy for you when you write this stuff.

I wish you and yours all the best. Thank you. From the bottom of my touched heart."


If you write POV pieces and little personal vignettes pretty much non-stop, for no real reason at all other than the actual doing of the thing, can there really be any better payback than that?


Thanks so much Karen.

You just made my month.

And now I will try to repay you with some Tweedy (but in G instead of D because that's best for my current harpoon configuration)....



  1. I second Karen's comment, and add that you changed the way I blog. I started posting columns so the papers that ran them could get a copy if they lost the emailed version. And that's pretty much all I did, except for very rare exceptions. (A plug for the The Mountain Goats in 2005 and for the TV show Intelligence in 2006.)
    Partly, I was wrestling with the idea of writing for free when I was earning my living as a freelancer.
    But things were just too interesting here, from politics to busking to science, and I had to join the fun.
    Thanks for that. (From Copan Ruinas, as the sun sets on a good day cleaning the new place and Jody plays accordion on the little terrace outside the apartment.)

  2. Thanks Paul--

    I didn't know that.

    It was a two way street you know - you helped me see the equilateral tension on a mass circulation daily.


    Regarding much more important things....Sneak a peak at Jody's sheet music and give me a tune or two I can lay down a bed track too that I can then send you as an MP3 to layer the accordian over...

    Or, even better record her playing something that I could sneak over top and then send back...

    (I'm assuming she doesn't often get deep in the weeds of the comments).

