Friday, April 20, 2012

Lindsay Kines: This Is What Public Service Journalism Looks Like.


The work of Mr. Kines, in the Victoria Times-Colonist, has been nominated for a Michener Award because:

...The Times Colonist in Victoria used its resources and expertise to expose a stealth policy by the B.C. government that forced people with developmental disabilities to move from group homes to cheaper accommodation. The newspaper’s sustained campaign – featuring many personal stories of developmentally disabled individuals and their families struggling with government cutbacks – spoke for the powerless and the voiceless. The coverage forced the province to change course and commit $40 million to improve services, demote the minister of social development and announce policy changes. As well, the CEO of Community Living BC resigned and an internal audit of its operations were ordered....

And, just in case you are not entirely familiar with them, the following are the criteria for being nominated:

...The Michener Awards Foundation honours, celebrates and promotes excellence in Canadian public service journalism.....Entries are judged particularly for their professionalism, their impact on the public, and the degree of arms-length public benefit that is generated....


Now, just in case you have forgotten, when Mr. Kines and other folks at the VT-C first started exposing the fact that the BC Liberal Government's 'Community Living British Columbia' was throwing our most vulnerable citizens out on the street for no good reason at all, the leader of said party, Ms. Christy Clark, accused the Opposition of playing 'games' when they raised this issue in the people's house.

Families first?

Need a little more background and/or a memory jog?...You can find it here...
The accordion player extraordinare has much more....



  1. As the parent of an adult son who has benefited from living in a group home I am very grateful for the work of journalists at the TC for shining a light on government policy changes.

  2. Thomas Jefferson said, "Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter."

    Kines has an extensive record of admirable work, award winning work that lends support to Jefferson's opinion.

    Well resourced professional journalists are vital to a successful democracy and this example reminds of that power to do good. Without lessening the applause due Lindsay Kines, I wish his fine work was typical of what daily newspapers produce instead of being so exceptional.

  3. It is sad more journalists don't produce the first rate product Mr. Kines does.

    He certainly did a good job & helped a lot of people. He deserves the award.

  4. I am working at a group home right now and I have never in my life worked for such an amature operation. Its made to fail! To insure that they promote the very worst workers. I feel sorry for the people we serve and the tax payers they are the ones getting Riped off.

  5. sailorbob--

    Was it always thus?

