Friday, June 08, 2012

Red Deer River Oil Spill: Let Them Drink Ethical Cake


From Nathan Vanderklippe and Dawn Walton in The Globe:

....The oil, some 1,000 to 3,000 barrels of which spilled from a pipeline owned by Plains Midstream Canada, stretched nearly 10 kilometres up-river from Mr. Johnston's 57 acres on the Red Deer River. As they flew in the helicopter, the source of the leak was obvious: "You could see it boiling up where the line crossing was," Mr. Johnston said.
The oil was surging up into the river from below, where a pipeline owned by Plains Midstream Canada ran. That company, in an early press release, said the oil leaked into a creek leading into the river. (local resident) Mr. (Gord) Johnston saw differently. It was leaking from underneath the river itself....
{snippety doo-dah}
...By 9:30 Friday morning, the Energy Resources Conservation Board said an “unconfirmed volume” of hydrocarbons had made their way into the Red Deer River through the Jackson Creek spill. The ERCB said in a statement it is investigating and working with the company as well as provincial government officials to clean up the mess and prevent more oil from leaking. 
The pipeline is now shut and emergency responders on site.
Leslie Chivers, a spokesman for the city of Red Deer, said residents don’t need to boil water or worry at this point. Officials expected the spill to be contained and cleaned up before it hits the city and its drinking water supply. Red Deer also has backup sources of water.
“It should be fine,” he said...

Sure thing.

After all, it's not like there is a flood watch or anything in Alberta at the moment.




  1. There have been, horrific oil spills in Alberta, through the decades.

    Premier Redford has said, she is confident Alberta can handle their oil spills. Yet, a Red Deer farmer has had his farm destroyed by the spill. No matter what Redford says, this spill in the Red Deer River, is a total disaster, and Alberta knows it.

    We do not want the Enbridge pipeline in BC, more than ever now.
    The chemicals in the tar oil are absolutely lethal. This is the worst corrosive and the dirtiest oil on the planet. To have that terrible oil, spill into the sea, would be the worst disaster of century's.

    At the Valdez spill. There are still huge globs of oil around the rocks. They can still smell the stench of the oil. That spill is a teacup spill, compared to the massive tankers from China.

    Enbridge cleaned up the Kalamazoo River spill, by throwing sand over the oil and planting grass on it. When some people stuck a shovel into the sand, they struck oil.

    Enbridge is a devious company, that thinks nothing of telling their lies about the F.N. The F.N. have said over and over, they don't want the Enbridge pipeline over their, rivers, streams, land nor the sea. Over 75% of the BC citizens, are supporting the F.N. to stop....Enbridge and Harper's greed, from destroying their food sources.

    Can Alberta people really boil the oil out of their drinking water, in Red Deer? I know, they can light the water from their faucets on fire, because of fracking for gas. Good luck, ever being able to drink their underground water.

  2. "As my brief history of oil pipeline spills in Alberta from 1970 to 2005 demonstrated, the problem of pipeline ruptures is endemic to the industry. Now with over 399,000 kilometres of pipelines under the authority of the province’s [Alberta] Energy Resources Conservation Board, industry specialists and regulators not only know that this system has never been free from oil spills, but that a spill-free system is an impossible goal. The recent history of pipeline ruptures in Alberta since 2006 further underlines these realities."

    From 'The History of Oil Pipeline Spills in Alberta, 2006-2012' by Sean Kheraj, PhD found here:

    Also by Sean: 'Alberta’s Oil Spill History' found here:

    A must read for British Columbians who are planning on speaking against Enbridge's Northern (Chinese) Pipeline.

  3. You can't boil hydrocarbons out of the water, what foolishness.
