Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Spam-A-Lot Revisited...There's No Such Thing As Bad Press!


Back in the old days, when Stephen Quinn was still working the City Beat for the MoCo, one of the most satisfying tag-lines I've ever heard was uttered by Quinn when he called the regime of then Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan 'Spam-A-Lot' because of its penchant for pretending that any and all matters trivial were more important than, say, a sighting of Bruno Gerussi's Medallion shining high in the night sky above 12th and Cambie.


Just in case anyone was worried that Spam-A-Lot was dead....

Never fear....Mr. Klassen is here!

And yes, indeed, Charlie Smith's piece on Smilin' Sammy's attempted comeback as a BC Liberal Party candidate in Vancouver False Creek is the most hit story upon over at the GStraight recently.

But here's the thing....It's for all the 'wrong' reasons, in terms of realPolitick, as indicated by the online poll attached to the piece...


Those disapproval numbers are worse than those of the fellow mayoral candidate that Mr. Sullivan and friends kneecapped in 2005.

You remember her, right?

Whatever happened to the CityBeat at the local CBC anyway?....Did it get in the way of FLee or something?...And, for the record, Quinn's Quiz was, in my humble opinion, way more fun when it was still civic-focussed...
In case you've already forgotten, Mr. Klassen was, along with Daniel Fontaine, a former denizen of Spam-A-Lot who kept playing their little games and quickly set-up the anti-Vision 'CityCaucus' website after the electoral demise of Spam-A-Lot late in 2008 (Snowmaggedon!)...It has been rumoured that a super-secret team of former CoV sanitation engineers are still searching for the now empty war chest...Allegedly.



  1. Not sure if it's referred to as CityBeat or not, RossK, but I happened to catch it this am - Maybe around 7:30? The Cluffmaster had a female representative of Vision organization and a male member of the loyal opposition - Sorry, didn't catch either of their names. They were of the organizations, tho, not elected representatives.

    I was actually impressed because it didn't have the annoying whiny voice of s.a. (not unlike FLee's, BTW) nor the factually-challenged m.k. It was actually reasonable, rational debate.

    Go figure . . . .

  2. Hate the 'he said/she said' partisan talking heads Bob...That's the real problem...Instead, I want a reporter who knows what's what to go in there and get actual stories rather than spin, or, more to the point, 'spun-spam'..Mr. Quinn was very good at that.


  3. Yeah, you've got a good point there, RossK . . . .

  4. Oh, that Bruno Gerussi Medallion ! I thought you were talking about the CBC Bruno Gerussi plaque.

  5. o/t

    Looking for help understanding something, and this is where the smart people hang out.

    Deutsche Bank Didn’t “Ignore” Losses of LSS Trade, It Went Through the Mother of All Canadian Restructurings

    "A short overview: three former employees have charged the German bank with misvaluing various positions during the crisis, allegedly totaling $12 billion at the peak, when by comparison, the banks had roughly $45 billion of equity. The largest single misvaluation involves the biggest risk position in the bank’s trading book, that of a leveraged super senior trade, a type of synthetic CDO that was funded by Canadian commercial paper buyers."
