Friday, February 08, 2013

This Day In Snookland (ctd)...Why The Delayed Dumping Of Mr. Dhaliwal?


Double Not-So-Secret-Probation Update @ 3:30pm...Deed is done...Mr. Dhaliwal has dumped self...Still a lot of conjecture amongst proMedia folks about when Mr. Dhaliwal knew of charges against him wrt to timing of his nomination last fall...Where's Ms. Clark, we wonder...On long helijet joyride until, say, 6:30pm?

Update: Apparently Mr. Dhaliwal has a presser scheduled for 3pm this afternoon....Stay tuned...

Why do we ask early on this fine Friday afternoon before a custom-made long weekend?

Well, it appears to be a question that The Dean himself has been asking himself over and over again during his lunch hour...



Why the delay?


Is it possible that Mr. Dhaliwal knows something that Ms. Clark also knows (and that Marky Mark and the Boys just might know too) that neither really wants anyone else in the Party to be forced to admit that they have also known about for quite awhile as well?

Just asking...



  1. Okay smarty pants, you heard about this before I did.

  2. Eleanor--

    For the record...For me it's Skittles (not Smarties) all the way....

