Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Carbon Neutral Initiative: Why Are The Middle Men Screwing Over Our Public Institutions?



Double Secret Probation Late Afternoon Update...The AG's Report is....Here

Lunchtime Update...Hearing that B. Barisoff will finally release AG's report @ 1pm today...Paywall be gone!...Busy this afternoon...If anyone has the time or inclination, please post a link in the comments when it becomes available...Thanks to everybody for the helpful additional info on all of this...I think it's a pretty good example of how citizen pushback and crowd-sourcing is starting to really matter (and I'm talking about all kinds of other sites, not this one)...

From behind the Globe's pay wall, Mark Hume has seen the AG's report on the BC Liberal Government's carbon neutral initiative.

Here is just one of the kickers:

...School boards, hospitals and other public-sector entities in British Columbia are paying far higher prices for carbon offsets than is justified by the market, according to the financial records of the Pacific Carbon Trust.

Data that the Crown agency has long withheld, but which is to be released by government this week, shows that corporations such as TimberWest Forest Co., Encana Corp., and International Forest Products Ltd., have been selling carbon credits to the Pacific Carbon Trust for prices ranging from $9 to $19 a ton.

At the same time, however, public sector agencies have been paying $25 a ton to buy offsets from the Pacific Carbon Trust...

(with thanks to reader JK)



  1. Some more info today on Bob Simpson's website:

  2. Just heard (MCO) that Barisoff is going to release the thing at 1 pm here in Victoria.
