Thursday, June 27, 2013

Are The Natives Really Getting Restless In Westside-Kelowna?


From Alistair Waters in yesterday's Kelowna Capital News:

When B.C. Premier Christy Clark announced she planned to run for the Westside-Kelowna seat in the B.C. Legislature, she said she looked forward to being here a great deal during the byelection campaign, getting out, knocking on doors and meeting the voters.

But so far, it seems she has left the door-knocking to others in favour of photo ops and meetings and has treated the byelection campaign as more of a weekend project...

{snippety doo-dah}

...If her personal focus is winning the Westside-Kelowna seat by connecting with voters, it sure doesn’t show. While Westside-Kelowna is considered a “safe” seat for the Liberals given the ease with which the man who stepped aside for Clark, former MLA Ben Stewart, won the riding in the last two B.C. general elections, there may be a sense of complacency in the Clark camp.

A recorded telephone solicitation currently being used to drum up support for Clark features only Stewart’s voice asking voters to support the premier in her byelection bid. Clark’s name is mentioned but she is not heard asking voters to support her...

{snippety doodle-dandy}

...As a provincial premier, Clark has a job to do that obviously stops her from spending the entire 28 days of the campaign here.

But, in the first few weeks of the campaign, it appears that without a camera around, Clark is happy to have others get her elected.



Despite all the babble from a number of quarters, to the best of my knowledge there have been no hard, on-the-ground, in-the-riding numbers published anywhere.

Thus, at best, all the babble at this point is just that.

Unless, of course....Uhhhhhh.... Somebody, somewhere was to make some real hay on this 'Mr. Stewart was pushed, hard' meme.

We'll see.


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