Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Nut Bar Runneths All Over The Place...


Well, well, well....

Whaddy'a know:

A press release was sent out by Dayleen Van Ryswyk Friday night announcing her intention to run in the Westside-Kelowna by-election as an Independent candidate.

"After much thought and consideration, I have decided to step forward and run in the upcoming Westside-Kelowna by-election as an Independent candidate.

I am appalled that Christy Clark would consider the Westside-Kelowna riding as an easy win, especially since she lost in her own home riding of Vancouver-Point Grey. Her own constituents found her unable to represent their interests, and they kicked her out. What makes her think the voters of Westside-Kelowna want an absentee MLA that isn't even from this area?...


And, just in case you missed it, Ms. Van Ryswyk was not a factor in Kelowna-Mission during the General...

Although, to be fairly fair, 43% of the fine folks who hang out at the 'Castanets' online thingy are being made 'happy' by this story....Which isn't too surprising, I suppose, given that it was the C'Nets threads where the moving riding 'Look at me!' candidate first pulled the bars of nuts out of her bag for all to try.
Then again, if you're always campaigning...Well...Who knows...Sometimes you can win really, really big in the end...But maybe only if you're doing it with the super fine folks from Campaign Research...Maybe.


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