Tuesday, July 23, 2013

This Day In Snookland (ctd)...At Least He Didn't Blow The Budget On Cookie Dough.


Cookie Dough Mike now says there was a $1.15 billion budget deficit last year.

Which is $178 million more than originally (surprise!) forecast.

So, while we're pretty sure Mr. de Jong didn't blow the budget entirely on fixin's for his favourite brand of Blizzards, it turns out that Ms. Clark's gang did spend almost half a million dollars on...


I'm telling you, if I hear the Goodship Watercarrier ask a caller to explain how we can pay for worthwhile projects when we have to do all this 'belt-tightening' one more time my head just might explode...
More on the two-pronged, and in my opinion, orchestrated (given the timing) attack on Insite to come...


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