Wednesday, July 03, 2013

When Doug Saunders Met North Van's Grumps.


First, Mr. Saunders via his Twittmachine feed:

Next,  North Van's Grumps via his blog:

...If the RCMP have been tracking these two individuals for so many months, what's with the Grand Standing, the Photo Op, the Churchillian speech .... "we will fight them on the beaches ...." why allow them to just walk right in?...

Why, indeed.

The Globe article linked to in Mr. Saunder's tweet, which is like most of the rest, is here.



  1. Without having to think about it or contemplate was I heard, my senses told me in 'real time' while watching the news unfold that this story made absolutely no sense whatsoever the way it is presented. This sets a whole new level of treating the public as fools.
    According to police they intervened much earlier to insure the public was at no risk...what the fxxx???

  2. Also, they were on welfare. Last welfare payment would have been June 19th. Methadone all over the apartment...I'd like to see proof of when exactly they were in Victoria, which leads me to wonder, who paid for the pressure cookers, explosives, nails, ferries and taxi's to get to and from? So why were they arrested in Surrey in March and charged on June 25?

    E Div REALLY has to kick the Cocaine habit.

  3. and yet...

    not one mention of the NSA's malfeasance...

    better hope that the NSA - while spying on EVERY country on the planet - didn't snoop on Canada...

    especially during trade talks...

    or just after signing a deal to give US law enforcement much more access to sovereign Canadian surf & turf

  4. interesting article from Abbotsford news about charges and what they pertain to:

  5. who knows what actually is going on. Is it a case of mentally ill people? Are they people who really want to blow up other people for no reason, other than they don't like some one else's politics?

    It may or may not all be true. I just look at it like this, we have a bigger chance of being run over by a car than of being killed by a "terrorist", or having cancer, etc.

    There certainly is no reason to monitor Canadian citizens, just in case. This is not a dangerous country. Lets not let some body make us think it is.

    You have a greater chance of dying of an infection in a B.C. hospital, which is dirty, than of being killed by a "terrorist".

  6. scotty on denman1:00 pm, July 04, 2013

    What's with CBC gleefully videoing the methadone bottles on the accused's sock-drawer? Why didn't they report on the landlord's impropriety instead? Did they not think to ask him why he was breaching the accused's right to privacy or why he and CBC would jeopardize any potential case against the accused by prejudicing their defence? He said it was OK to let reporters video the home because the police had already been through the home, presumably having rearranged the place and taken evidence. Did authorities tell him it was OK to invite the news media into the accused's home while they await trial in custody? Good on the BCCLU for getting right on this civil rights violation. Who's gonna get on the CBC's case for its part in letting this happen? Their ethical lapse unfortunately adds to the list of oddities, unlikelihoods, implausibilities, misdeeds and cheesy political opportunism surrounding this case and risks giving the impression the whole thing is being staged.
