Friday, October 11, 2013

This Week In Snookland: Nevermind The People's Business*...

...'Cause I'm Shillin' For Shell!

*aka....The British Columbia Legislature



  1. Do you think CC is sticking to the dream of LNG jobs... those jobs in the far future because nothing else is going right in the job market ?
    Notice the MSM is silent about the lack of new jobs in BC...and has been for some time. The Sun today said: " The British Columbia economy remained steady in September, with very little change in employment numbers.

    Statistics Canada says the province saw a slight uptick in the unemployment rate, which went up by 0.1 per cent to 6.7 per cent."
    Does that mean if the number goes up again the BC economy is NOT steady ?

    CC & her right wing nuts don't talk about TODAY.... because nothing is happening & if it is it's all behind closed doors and the only winners will be big corporation...

    Guy in Vic

  2. lets export some more raw law log as we seem to be outsourcing and exporting almost everything at the same time.

  3. Let's make BC Hydro, which produces a huge amount of renewable, carbon-free hydro power, pay $720,000 for Carbon Offsets to the Pacific Carbon Trust, so the Govt can say it is "carbon neutral".

    Carbon Offset money then goes to gas companies like EnCana.

    At the same time force BC Hydro not to use its gas-powered Burrard Thermal power station, because it emits CO2.

    At the same time, base the future economic prosperity of BC on LNG exports.

    LNG, which would be sent to Asia, on CO2-emitting ships, perhaps to be used to generate electricity in plants like Burrard Thermal.

  4. I want to become a temporary foreign worker. Apparently they get a lot of work.

  5. BC sold down greasy mine shafts.
    Dec 16/2012

    BC killing mine jobs by, bringing over Chinese miners with their cheap labor.
    Oct 17/2012

    Enbridge has chosen a limited partnership-to limit investors in the company so, they won't have to make good, on a catastrophic spill.
