Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Advent Juke....Day 19


C. and I were out for dinner this evening.

When we came out, with tummies bursting, we said....

Entire Advent Jukebox so far can be found below and....Here.
Listens so far....40,625.



  1. Nice snow scene RossK. BC Transportation Minister spokesperson is saying that the reason that the Wreaths are not on the Lions at the south end of Lions Gate Bridge is because they're a distraction.... the decoration.

    In fact, the missing Wreaths are the distraction. We still look, and take a SECOND look.

    To: Christy, Todd

    SCROOGE or is it GRINCH

  2. NVG--

    And yet they can stick 5,000 sq ft TeeVee screen/billboards up all over the place?

    Sounds like asymmetrical distractionism to me.

