Sunday, December 15, 2013

Childhood Poverty...What James Moore Actually Said.



Update, Monday Dec 16th, lunchtime....Comment on Mr. Moore's 'apology' is....Here.

First, there was this story from CKWX'  Sara Norman:

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – It appears the federal government won’t be helping BC get out of the top spot when it comes to child poverty.

“Is it my job to feed my neighbour’s child? I don’t think so.” That from Federal Minister of Industry James Moore who is also the Member of Parliament for Port Moody—Westwood—Port Coquitlam. He says it’s the responsibility of the provinces to deal with child poverty, and Ottawa has no plans to step in....

Then, there was this response from Mr. Moore via that Newswatchy aggregatorish-type guy.

Which garnered the follow-up response from Ms. Norman:


What did Mr. Moore actually say in response to Ms. Norman's questions?


Here is the tape. Listen for the smirking laugh at the end, after a back and forth about child poverty, when Mr. Moore both asks and answers his own question ("Is it the government's...Is it my job to feed my neighbour's child?....I don't think so")


Isn't it the most wonderful time of the year for Preston Manning's former communications advisor to be asking and answering (and laughing off) such a 'question'?

If you get my most Christmassy of drifts.



  1. Disgusting response from Moore. The chuckle at the end shows just how uncaring and out of touch he is.

  2. Anon-Above--

    It really does make one wonder if very fine folks like Mr. Moore and his ilk actually see Mr. Potter as the real hero of 'It's a Wonderful Life'.


  3. Stay classy Moore.

    I wrote him an email today...
    "“Is it my job to feed my neighbour’s child? I don’t think so.”

    Yes, Mr Moore, the people of Canada think that you have a moral and fiduciary duty to the children of Canada.

    “Certainly we want to make sure that kids go to school full bellied, but is that always the government’s job to be
    there to serve people their breakfast?”

    If necessary, yes. You were there for the people of Calgary during the flood, you were there writing cheques in Lac Megantic, after the deregulation of rail services caused a catastrophe. What makes you think that there is no duty to our children, to ensure they can thrive in this "rich" country?

    “We’ve neven been wealthier as a country than we are right now. Never been wealthier,”

    There is no excuse for child poverty then. No excuse for senior poverty. No reason to attack CPP. No reason to attack veterans. You are out of excuses.

    Clearly, you are not a patriotic Canadian and must be defeated!


  4. Kim--

    Note that it is the 'country' that has never been wealthier not 'Canadians'.


  5. We've been trying to identify the difference between a "jerk" and a "pr*ck" -- what's the difference?

    This is a classic example --
    "pr*ck" - def. James Moore, Conservative MP

  6. Isn’t it truly amazing what happens when the script isn’t at hand, the only thing left is the stupid ideology that drives the knuckle dragging thinking of these overweight white guys in expensive suits. Would we have really expected anything different from Moore? Apparently he’s a “soft” reformer according to some, but in true entitled-bully fashion, he goes straight to deny and smear rather than apologize and commit to doing his job

  7. And the BC minimum wage just went up.
