Friday, December 13, 2013

The Advent Juke....Day 13.


E. got home late last night.

So, of course, I dragged her out to a gig this evening

Our rehearsal was about 20 minutes of going through one verse and one chorus of each tune - boom, boom, boom - right before the show, which was a low key affair but fun anyway. On the way home I asked what we should do before bed for the Jukebox.

E. suggested the song below which we recorded in the downstairs rec-room just before midnight with requisite animals, chew toys and decorations strewn all about..

To be honest, when we started I had no idea why the tune is associated with the season at hand.

If you hang on 'till the end you, like me, will learn why...

Advent Jukebox listens
so far....23,727.



  1. Nice!
    "Glen Hansard, who is the authority on everything." :)

  2. karen--

    Think that was tongue-in-cheek directed at moi.


