Tuesday, April 01, 2014

The Man Of The Manor Gore...The House That Mackinaw Punk Built.


I saw was lucky enough to see DOA before Dave Gregg.

And I was really lucky to see DOA with Dave Gregg, stage left, a whole bunch of times.

But, unlike Mr. Beer, I never saw DOA after Dave Gregg.

Regardless, Mr. Gregg just kept on goin' on with his myriad projects, sometimes with a guitar, sometimes with a merch table, all over the world.

Now he's gone.


DOA/Keithley has a nice tribute on their/his book of faces thingy.

And John Mackie does right by him in the VSun.

Photocredit: Lynn Werner....It's a young Mr. Gregg at Gore Manor...Turs out he was the proprietor (kinda/sorta).


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