Friday, January 30, 2015

Quick Wins...The Dean Catches Up.


Mr. Palmer of the VSun has a column up about 'Quick Wins' and 'connections' and 'offers' and 'x dollars per month' - type Emails and all that.

And, oh ya, the work of a Special Prosecutor and charges too.


We're sure glad the Dean is keeping up with idiot bloggers with no established credibility and all that (months after the fact, of course).



You can't really blame the bet-hedging Mr. Palmer for raising the expectations on this thing just a wee bit at this late date after he appeared to do his best to bury the real lede oh those many months ago. 

After all, as we the idiots and great unwashed learned some time ago just by paying attention,  Special Prosecutor Butcher previously announced that he would probably finish his investigation in the 'New Year' which led to all sorts of wild-eyed predictions, et cetera, as 2015 dawned.

My take?

The Dean has brand new all important, super-secret insider-accessed information that an announcement on that investigation is coming soon.

Maybe even next week.

Too bad Mr. Palmer and friends decided to let this all this stuff go BEFORE the election, eh?.....And too bad Mr. Palmer couldn't bring himself to write the name of the very fine former public servant who carried out the Clarklandian Quick Wins 'investigation' that allowed he and his to pretty much ignore the matter in the run-up to that election, despite the fact that the actual data gathered during the investigation wasn't actually released, in full, until after the fact....Personally, I won't be surprised if the Keef suddenly fires up his Twittmachine feed once again to tell us that the NDP is off its rocker for even bothering re-raise an issue that goes to the core of the democratic process given that it is something that was already 'decided' by said polling day outcome. 



  1. Graham Whitmarsh should be nominated Order of British Columbia.

    Nomination Form, letters of support and any supporting materials must be received by the first Friday in March to be considered in the current calendar year.

  2. Anon-Above--

    Interesting suggestion....

    Guess the nominators could use a similar strate(r)gy as the good Mr. Dyble.

    Which, of course, would be to withhold all of the supporting 'information' for the nomination until after the nominee is elected to the club.


  3. Blackout ink FOIA Alert above
    Green party opposition lead NDP?

  4. When the Order of BC is mentioned, for some reason I immediately think of American Civil War General Sherman's famous quote. With a minor change in words, it went like this:

    "I hereby state, and mean all that I say, that I never have been and never will be a candidate for any award of the BC Government; that if nominated by any party, I should peremptorily decline; and even if unanimously elected I should decline to serve."

  5. Vaughn Palmer should submit every potential column the way old uncle Harry does when he starts telling a joke. “Stop me if you’ve heard this one before…” And Vaughn’s editor should take him up on it. But that of course, would result in very few of his columns making it to print, thereby disappointing his fans in the government communications branch. So at the Vancouver Sun, where substandard is the standard, the editor pretends it’s all new to him, and no hearts or stories are broken.

    As for the Order of BC, the famous Groucho Marx quote aptly applies. “I don’t want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member.”

    Come to think of it, that might better fit membership in the Legislative Press Gallery.

  6. Did someone suggest that there is a....




    Hubert Beyer

  8. Just by paying attention, eh?

  9. Thanks NVG - Mr. Beyer was spot-on.




    No inside information/access of boweevil business whatsoever...Well, that and having a memory I reckon.


  10. character?

