Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Ultimate Deadlines.


Rod Mickleburgh, writing for free, writes three great tributes on the passing of Alicia Priest, Sean Rossiter and Doug Sagi.

Here is just one passage, but go read it all:

...Alicia (after learning she had ALS) faced her fate head on. She chose to regard it as a deadline for a writing project she’d had in her mind for years: the story of her family and her flawed, off-beat father, who masterminded the great Yukon silver heist of the early 1960’s. Of course, it was a deadline no writer or reporter would ever want, but it was a deadline nevertheless, one referred to by Alicia as “the ultimate deadline”. As always, she met it with flying colours. Her book, A Rock Fell on the Moon, was published to glowing reviews last fall. Best of all, although unable to speak and nourished through a tube, Alicia was able to return to the Yukon in October for a very special book launch at the Baked CafĂ© in Whitehorse...


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