Saturday, February 28, 2015

This Weekend In Clarkland...Has The Dean Already Weighed In On The Bullying Thing?


Coquitlam-Duckville Dipper MLA Selina Robinson cranked the media wurlitzer a little on pink shirt day when she suggested, first on the book of faces, and later on the no-longer-so Giant '98 that the Clarklandians speak and act like bullies. 

As supporting evidence Ms. Robinson mentioned the goings on in the legislature last week (see, for example, the cluck-cluck-clucking of the 70% challenged Mr. Andrew Wilkinson) as well as Ms. Clark's ongoing derision of progressives and Dippers as shiftless, lazy people who end up living in their parents basement in their 30's.

That this bullying thing could be problematic for Ms. Clark if it gains traction in the proMedia is illustrated by the vile responses of her flying surrender monkeys on the Twittmachine.

Of course, if such a thing were to gain traction over, say, the next week or two, you can bet The Club members will eventually wait for the dust to settle so that the so-called Dean of the legislative press gallery, Vaughn Palmer, can weigh in with his pearls of story-ending wisdom.

But, here's the thing....

Mr. Palmer already wrote about the Ms. Clark's 'derision thing' a couple of weeks ago.

And he even noted a couple of John Horgan's responses to the various blatherings and bleatings from the Premier and her minions.

...“I can’t probe the mind of the premier any better than you can,” the NDP leader told reporters when the comment (about Dippers living in their parents' basements) was relayed to him. “But I can say that it’s certainly disrespectful to 31-year-olds and it is also disconnected with the reality of our time. More and more children are having to go home because they can’t find the opportunities that their parents could find.”...

...”(T)hat was a half-hour (the throne speech) that none of us will ever get back.”...

Guess which response Mr. Palmer approved of?

(Hint: It wasn't the first one)

One of the more bizarre blatherings of the surrender monkeys is their claim that making a fuss about a thing like this is just playing politics with....Wait for it...Pink shirt day.


1 comment:

  1. scotty on denman10:57 pm, March 01, 2015

    What colour T-shirt do we get for anti-hypocrite day?

    I think Christy did some calculations on the amount of criticism she'd encounter over pink T-shirts---the "motherhood" of it all...

    When Anton appeared incompetent when asked about reports of abuse at the Civil Forfeiture Office, Christy had to grab the wheel; unfortunately she ran a red in defending the CFO by noting it funded a special, personal interest of hers: anti-bullying T-shirts which, coincidentally merely underscored Anton's incompetence (Anton should have prevented her boss from admitting a technical conflict of interest, especially given the nature of criticism against the CFO). In any case, Christy herself revels in bullying her rivals with defamation that could, outside the immunity of the Assembly, be actionable.

    Is her hypocrisy as consistent as Anton's incompetence---or even Minister Stone's excuses about safe alternatives to hitchhiking on the "Highway of Tears", also sounding about as incompetent as he could get. Christy decides to award $3 million toward that investigation from the CFO stash of forfeited funds, which she characterized as "taking money from the bad guys and giving it to the victims"---which sounded appallingly trite in the circumstance of Stone's lame excuses. Bad enough he repeated his hackneyed dismissal of those murdered women, almost all First Nation people, by emphasizing over and over the 700 km length of the Highway of Tears, and maybe as bad as what Christy cheerfully calls "money from the bad guys" which may in fact have been extorted from innocent citizens because the legal cost of defending themselves would exceed the value of the forfeiture; Christy's 'say-no-more' about the $3 million takes the cake because saying any more might be construed as, y'know, some kind of conflicty thing, the money having come from that paragon of trustworthiness, the unimpeachable CFO.

    Oh! Would we could impeach the lot!
